• Alpine Texas
    Blog,  On Travel,  On West Texas,  On Writing

    Photography & Birding in Alpine, Texas

    Texas Monthly   The Alpine and Big Bend area of Texas has long been a magnet for photographers—pros and amateurs alike. In this article I wrote for Texas Monthly, you’ll learn the best spots for birding and nature photography in the region. >>Read the article here<<

  • Logan County
    Blog,  On Travel,  On Writing

    Riding the Mountains in Logan County, West Virginia

    Find Heritage and Culinary Delights in The Hatfield-McCoy Region West Virginia Tourism I had the pleasure of spending a few days on assignment in Logan County, West Virginia, where I traded my heels for dusty jeans and a helmet to ride one of the largest ATV trails in the country—the Hatfield-McCoy Trails. I stayed at Chief Logan State Park, had my first—but definitely not last—pepperoni roll (the state’s official food), and toured a string of the most luxurious log cabins I’ve ever seen, fit for a king, tucked away in a tranquil holler. Along the trail, we met people from other states like New York and North Carolina and enjoyed…